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As low as $33.76/mo. Or choose 4 interest-free installments.

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Over 45,000 cus­tomers have saved thou­sands with the CoolBot.

You can build an afford­able walk-in cool­er pow­ered by a CoolBot and a stan­dard air con­di­tion­ing unit. Building a CoolBot-dri­ven cool­er will save you mon­ey in upfront costs, month­ly elec­tric­i­ty bills, and expen­sive tech­ni­cian vis­its com­pared to con­ven­tion­al systems. 

From apples to zuc­chi­nis, farm­ers around the world have trust­ed the CoolBot with their walk-in cool­ing needs. A CoolBot-dri­ven sys­tem can be used to store inven­to­ry at refrig­er­at­ed tem­per­a­tures in any climate. 

Whether it’s a short time in the cool­er from har­vest to a CSA pick­up, or a longer stor­age time to find the best mar­kets for your high val­ue crops, adding a walk-in cool­er to your farm keeps your pro­duce fresh and your busi­ness strong.

When stor­ing inven­to­ry, spe­cif­ic crops have ide­al tem­per­a­ture ranges. For farm­ers grow­ing mul­ti­ple crop vari­eties, we gen­er­al­ly rec­om­mend keep­ing your cool­er 38°F – 40℉ (3.3°C – 4.4℃). Using this tem­per­a­ture range ensures that pro­duce as diverse as cold-lov­ing let­tuce and sum­mer squash can be stored effectively.

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Quick Start Guide

311.6 KB pdf

Instruction Manual

552.01 KB pdf

Spec Sheet

829.66 KB pdf

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Great when it works but can’t ...

3 out of 5 stars

Mark S.4 months agoVerified buyer

Great when it works but can’t trust it

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