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Drip Irrigation

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Drip Tape
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The all-in-one drip irri­ga­tion solution

We know first hand how con­fus­ing irri­ga­tion can be. Sourcing the cor­rect fit­tings, fil­ters, and tub­ing is a chal­lenge — espe­cial­ly for first-time growers.

Our solu­tion? The Farmers Friend Drip Irrigation Kit.

With the click of a but­ton, you can have peace of mind know­ing that every con­nec­tor, valve, and hose will be shipped right to your door. Confidently set­up effec­tive irri­ga­tion sys­tems on your farm with ease thanks to our detailed instruc­tion­al man­u­als and videos. Welcome to irri­ga­tion 2.0.

All Parts Included
All Parts Included
Made in USA
Made in USA

Drip advantages

Precise, efficient watering

Get water right to where it needs to go with drip irri­ga­tion. Precise emit­ters are spaced every twelve inch­es, allow­ing you to achieve even water­ing direct­ly to the roots of your plants. No water is wast­ed between the beds or in oth­er non-grow­ing areas. Note: Prototype drip tape with six inch spac­ing is pictured.

Ease of use

Irrigation made easy

Farming can be com­pli­cat­ed. Irrigation shouldn’t have to be. Each Farmers Friend irri­ga­tion kit comes with a beau­ti­ful full-col­or instruc­tion man­u­al com­plete with pho­tos and a step-by-step video to guide you as you install your sys­tem. Want to get a head start? Watch our assem­bly film below.

Drip vs. overhead irrigation

Why choose drip?

Drip irri­ga­tion is the ide­al choice for plants sus­cep­ti­ble to foliar dis­eases, includ­ing toma­toes, cucum­bers, pep­pers, and egg­plants. Without over­head water­ing, which can spread dis­ease, your plants will be health­i­er than ever! Drip irri­ga­tion is also an excel­lent solu­tion for crops grown under plas­tic mulch (water­mel­on, squash, pump­kins, straw­ber­ries, etc.) as oth­er irri­ga­tion meth­ods may not effec­tive­ly reach the roots of the plants.

If drip irri­ga­tion doesn’t sound like the right choice for you, check out our Overhead Irrigation Kit. Specifically designed for our Farmers Friend Caterpillar Tunnels, our Overhead Irrigation Kit allows for eas­i­er cul­ti­va­tion (no drip tape in the way), can be used to cool tem­per­a­tures in sum­mer, doesn’t have to be moved each time you plant a new crop, and can pro­vide more even water­ing to thick plant­i­ngs of small leafy greens and cer­tain root crops. Alternatively, our Field Irrigation Kit will be ide­al for water­ing large areas at a time, gen­er­al­ly in out­door, uncov­ered beds.

What's Included?

20′of head­er line for irri­gat­ing up to 5, 30″ beds

Hardware for 12 lines of drip irri­ga­tion for water­ing up to six 30“beds @ 2 lines/bed

1500’ of drip tape

Filter (screen/disc), valve (automatic/manual), and pres­sure regulator1500’ of drip tape


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Tech Specs

Assembly & Instruction Manual

2.39 MB pdf

Light-duty drip tape data sheet

1.15 MB pdf

Heavy-duty drip tape data sheet

1021.65 KB pdf

Wall Thickness





Max. Pressure

17.5 psi

41.0 psi

Inner Diameter

0.638 in

0.636 in

Emitter Spacing

12 inch­es

12 inches

Flow Rate

0.23 gal­lons per hour at 10.0 psi

0.42 gal­lons per hour at 10.0 psi

Product Reviews

4.8 / 5.0

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Recent reviews

Excellent product

5 out of 5 stars

Suzie W.8 months agoVerified buyer

Order the drip irrigation kit. Was easy to assemble. Works fantastic.

Good product

4 out of 5 stars

Scott L.9 months agoVerified buyer

Good product however I had to disassemble the pressure gauge assembly and add silicone plumbers tape to keep it from leaking. Even after that it still has one small leak. Everything else works great.

Don’t be a dip, drip!

5 out of 5 stars

Robert K.10 months agoVerified buyer

Great service, great product, easy instructions and install….what more could we ask for? Thanks Farmer’s Friend I’m a customer for life!

Great addition to our tunnel

5 out of 5 stars

Sierra S.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

After installing my tunnel the first thing I added was the new drip system. It is extremely user friendly and comes with more than enough drip tape for the four 50 ft rows with three lines of piece. Just like a lot of farmers friends projects the instructions are incredibly clear and easy to follow. The longest part was actually rolling out the tape but if you follow the simple suggestion of the role in between two cinder blocks and makes it a piece of cake. I highly recommend this product.
Only downside is that the trip tape is set with holes every 6in so if you have tighter planting or different layout it's something to consider.

Drip tape success!

5 out of 5 stars

Penny Z.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

Having never insalled drip tape before I thought it was going to be difficult but using the easy to follow instructions it was very easy and installed in no time with no leaks! Highly recommend this product

Great product and Amazing Company!

5 out of 5 stars

John D.almost 2 years agoVerified buyer

We have been beyond happy with all of our purchases from Farmers friend. They not only provide great quality products but top notch customer service.
We were missing a few pieces to our drip irrigation system when it arrived and as soon as we contacted them they shipped out the missing parts and we received them with a couple of days. Excited to get it set up now. All parts seem to be great quality.

excellent system

5 out of 5 stars

Wayne A.almost 2 years agoVerified buyer

Farmers Friend treats us hobby gardeners like royalty. I bought this for my hi tunnel and it couldn't be better! bought extra to set up my mother in laws garden too. She has trouble because of sprinkling her garden. I explained she will be happier with drip tape. She was reluctant to try something new - so this is her Mothers Day gift. So simple and efficient!

What I think of drip irrigation thus far

5 out of 5 stars

William B.almost 2 years agoVerified buyer

The product seems fine but it is still too early for me to give the system an adequate review up here in the Northeast New York area as it is only April 6th. When I reviewed the product online, I would have liked to have seen a better description of each component including diameter of the drip tape i.e. 1/2", 5/8" 3/4" etc. When mentioning valves, the website should be more descriptive. Instead of using just the word "valve" Farmer's Friend should be more specific. Are they referring to a main shut off valve, a drip line shut off valve, a pressure reducing valve or a main line flush valve or a drip line flush valve. Those extra words would go a long way for a customer that maybe understands plumbing but is new to drip irrigation systems. Also a picture or diagram of a complete system with all the appropriate components laid out would be helpful too. I am also wondering why no choice was given on the mainline pipe diameter. The one that came with my kit was1" diameter. There may be a reason for that but I don't recall the website explaining whether this was for length of run from the water source point to the garden plot, the number of drip lines, pressure reasons.... I am not sure. We will let you know how things worked out after we get our system set up and installed in the field.

1 person found this helpful

My daughter and I installed this easily after watching the video.

5 out of 5 stars

Lori R.about 2 years agoVerified buyer

If you are a gardener and want to ease up on the watering time, this is the way to go. The kit (basic drip irrigation kit) is easily installed and I had enough tubing for all the lines for two years in a row ( I discarded drip tape after the first summer and used up what came with the kit the second summer). I'm getting ready to purchase more irrigation tape and other misc parts I need. Thank you Farmer's friend, Gardening is a real passion for me and you made it much more enjoyable.

1 person found this helpful

Drip Irrigation Basic Hardware Kit

5 out of 5 stars

Chris D.over 2 years agoVerified buyer

Easy to assemble. Parts feel solid & not wonky. Instead of hand watering, I can spend that time observing the health of the plants, addressing unwelcome critters, or harvesting. What a time saver!

1 person found this helpful
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