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Fields Of Farmers

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America’s aver­age farmer is six­ty years old. When young peo­ple can’t get in, old peo­ple can’t get out. Approaching a water­shed moment, our cul­ture des­per­ate­ly needs a gen­er­a­tional trans­fer of mil­lions of farm acres fac­ing aban­don­ment, devel­op­ment, or amal­ga­ma­tion into ever-larg­er hold­ings. Based on his decades of expe­ri­ence with interns and multi­gen­er­a­tional part­ner­ships at Polyface Farm, farmer and author Joel Salatin digs deep into the prob­lems and solu­tions sur­round­ing this land and knowl­edge-trans­fer cri­sis. This book empow­ers aspir­ing young farm­ers, midlife farm­ers, and non­farm­ing land­lords to build regen­er­a­tive, prof­itable agri­cul­tur­al enterprises.
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