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Field Irrigation Kit

As low as $22.02/mo. Or choose 4 interest-free installments.

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Water large areas with lit­tle effort.

It’s time to up your irri­ga­tion game — the easy way! Now water up to 3,000 sq. ft. (30’ x 100’) with a sin­gle Field Irrigation Kit! For even more cov­er­age, addi­tion­al sys­tems can be attached. Plus with our durable, UV pro­tect­ed com­po­nents, this sys­tem is pre­pared to with­stand mul­ti­ple grow­ing seasons.

    sq. ft. of irrigation
    Wide pressure compatibility
    Wide pressure compatibility

    Wide coverage. Broad compatibility.

    By offer­ing both Wobbler and Meganet emit­ter options, our Field Irrigation Kit is com­pat­i­ble with a wide range of water pres­sures and can han­dle any­thing from 10 to 43 psi.

    Which should I choose?

    Meganet vs. Wobbler

    We offer two emit­ter options for your Field Irrigation Kit. Which one is right for you? In gen­er­al, if you have low­er water pres­sure, 10 to 25 psi, we rec­om­mend you choose the Wobbler (left). If your water pres­sure is between 25 and 43 psi, the Meganet (right) is the one for you. For more detailed infor­ma­tion about each sprin­kler head, refer to the data sheets for the Meganet and Wobbler on the Tech Specs page.

    Note: you may expe­ri­ence an approx­i­mate­ly 10% larg­er cov­er­age area with the Meganets than with the Wobblers.

    Ease of use

    Irrigation sim­pli­fied

    Farming can be com­pli­cat­ed. Irrigation shouldn’t have to be. Each Farmers Friend irri­ga­tion kit comes with a beau­ti­ful full-col­or instruc­tion man­u­al com­plete with pho­tos and a step-by-step video (com­ing soon!) to guide you as you install your system.

    Everything you need included

    Complete kit

    Our basic kit comes with all the parts and pieces need­ed to irri­gate a 30’ x 100’ area. Just add water!

    What's in the kit?

    1 Flush Valve

    1 Hose Adapter

    100' Black Polyethylene Tubing, 1"

    5 Female x Barb Connectors for Sprinkler Stands

    5 Stake Adapters

    5 Sprinkler Stands

    5 48" Stakes

    5 Meganet OR 5 Xcel Wobbler sprinkler heads


    Have more questions about this product?
    Check out our knowledge base of support articles below.

    Tech Specs

    Assembly & Instruction Manual

    2.39 MB pdf

    Sprinkler Design System Guide

    1.82 MB pdf

    Wobbler Features
    • Counter-bal­ance reduces vibra­tion for a smooth, sta­ble performance
    • Only one mov­ing part – which trans­lates to longer life
    • Connections: 3⁄4″ or 1⁄2″ NPT male
    • Flow rates: 0.78 to 6.97 gpm (177 to 1583 L/hr)
    • Operating pres­sures: 10 to 25 psi (0.69 to 1.72 bar)
    • Low wind drift and evap­o­ra­tive loss at low pressures
    • Two-year war­ran­ty on mate­ri­als, work­man­ship and performance
    • Color-cod­ed noz­zles for easy size iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Warranted to main­tain cor­rect ori­fice size for five years
    Wobbler Data Sheet

    168.37 KB pdf

    Meganet Features
    • Perfectly bal­anced sprin­kler with two equal water jets — no wobble.
    • Robust design is closed and com­pact pre­vent­ing insect pen­e­tra­tion and pro­tect­ing inter­nal parts.
    • Excellent dis­tri­b­u­tion uniformity.
    • Install on sol­id sets or in remov­able field stands.
    • Each unit has an indi­vid­ual fil­ter for noz­zle clean­li­ness and to sim­pli­fy cleaning.
    • Color-cod­ed for easy identification.
    • UV pro­tect­ed mate­ri­als are durable in all climates.
    • Resistant to fer­til­iz­ers and chemicals.
    • Optional MegaStand™ for leak-proof con­nec­tion to FlexNet™ flex­i­ble pipe.
    Meganet Data Sheet

    1.6 MB pdf

    Product Reviews

    4.9 / 5.0

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    Recent reviews

    Great product

    5 out of 5 stars

    Ben S.7 months agoVerified buyer

    The kit itself has everything and works well. Set up was quick and easy. The spray patterns work very well and does good job evenly irrigating.

    Field Irrigation Kit

    5 out of 5 stars

    Kao Nou Chang9 months agoVerified buyer

    Field irrigation kit

    5 out of 5 stars

    Stephen W.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

    Big fan of these kits. I add a few more every year. I’m up to 20 now. Well designed and easy to put together. Highly recommend 👍👍

    Field Irrigation Kit

    5 out of 5 stars

    Andrew S.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

    Very easy to set-up, works great. Shipped and arrived quickly.

    Good kit, missing a piece

    4 out of 5 stars

    Bettyjo J.almost 2 years agoVerified buyer

    This kit was just what I was looking for and worked great for my small market garden. Unfortunately I was missing one of the stake adaptors so I wasn’t able to use the fifth sprinkler so I can’t give it a full five stars, but it is otherwise easy to set up and a great option for a small scale farmer.


    5 out of 5 stars

    Kevin E.over 2 years agoVerified buyer

    Fantastic irrigation kit! Everything you need and more, great value and easy to set up. Will be ordering more :)

    Field Irrigation Kit - No Spri...

    5 out of 5 stars

    Andrew W.over 2 years agoVerified buyer

    Field Irrigation Kit - No Sprinklers

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