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Overhead Irrigation

As low as $32.94/mo. Or choose 4 interest-free installments.

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A sim­ple irri­ga­tion solu­tion for your Caterpillar Tunnel.

Have you ever felt intim­i­dat­ed by the chal­lenge of design­ing your own irri­ga­tion sys­tem? Or, been frus­trat­ed with work­ing around unruly lines of drip tape on your beds? We’ve been there too. The basic needs of your plants shouldn’t be complicated.

Join the more than two mil­lion farm­ers world­wide who are irri­gat­ing with Netafim irri­ga­tion sys­tems and expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence it can make on your farm. No more frus­tra­tion. No more guesswork.

Highly Uniform Watering
Highly Uniform Watering
Automation Ready
Automation Ready


Highly uniform watering.

We’ve designed the over­head irri­ga­tion sys­tem to work per­fect­ly with all of our Farmers Friend cater­pil­lar tun­nels. By using 3‑foot spac­ing between sprin­klers you will expe­ri­ence excep­tion­al uni­for­mi­ty — no more dry or over­sat­u­rat­ed spots in your beds!

Drip-less Sprinklers

No drip­ping. No damage.

By using Netafim SpinNet sprin­kler heads with check valves, your new irri­ga­tion sys­tem will fea­ture drip-less oper­a­tion, ensur­ing the plants direct­ly below the sprin­kler heads won’t be dam­aged by over­wa­ter­ing. Every plant matters!


Out of your way.

If you’re a farmer, you know the chal­lenge of drip irri­ga­tion: long lines of drip tape get­ting in the way of your cul­ti­vat­ing, seed­ing, trans­plant­i­ng and har­vest­ing. Get your irri­ga­tion up and out of the way and start sav­ing hours of unnec­es­sary has­sle every season.

Quality Components

Built to last.

We have sourced top-notch parts to deliv­er the qual­i­ty and val­ue you have come to expect. All sprin­klers are made from the high­est qual­i­ty plas­tics with excel­lent UV resis­tance. These plas­tics will not crack, ensur­ing a longer life with few­er main­te­nance issues.

Complete kit.

Everything you need.

Irrigation sys­tems are com­pli­cat­ed to design and can be a headache to source all the parts you need. We’ve done the hard work for you! After test­ing count­less fit­tings and mul­ti­ple lay­outs, the eas­i­est and most effec­tive solu­tion is now avail­able. Everything you need is includ­ed — except water of course.

What crops work well with over­head irrigation?

Generally crops with leafy greens like Lettuce, Arugula, Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Radishes, and the like, are most ben­e­fit­ed by over­head irri­ga­tion. (Drip irri­ga­tion still has its place on crops like Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers. Also, leafy greens may ben­e­fit from drip in the win­ter — when mois­ture and humid­i­ty are extra high.) In the sum­mer months, use our over­head irri­ga­tion sys­tem with shade cloth for evap­o­ra­tive cool­ing on leafy greens.


Irrigation installation made easy.

With our full-col­or, step-by-step instruc­tion man­u­al, plus our instal­la­tion video, this may be the eas­i­est irri­ga­tion sys­tem you’ve ever installed.


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Check out our knowledge base of support articles below.

Tech Specs

Assembly & Instruction Manual

2.39 MB pdf

In the Box


  • 15-ft Black Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 25-ft White Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 7 Hanging Assemblies
  • 7 SpinNet™ Sprinkler Heads
  • 40 Black UV Stabilized Nylon Cable Ties
  • 1 1″ Power-Loc™ × 3⁄4″ MHT
  • 1 3⁄4″ FHT Automatic Flush Valve
  • 1 Hose Adapter
  • 1 Elbow
  • 1 Goof plugs, 10-pack


  • 15-ft Black Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 100-ft White Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 16 Hanging Assemblies
  • 16 SpinNet™ Sprinkler Heads
  • 40 Black UV Stabilized Nylon Cable Ties
  • 1 1″ Power-Loc™ × 3⁄4″ MHT
  • 1 3⁄4″ FHT Automatic Flush Valve
  • 1 Hose Adapter
  • 1 Elbow
  • 1 Goof plugs, 10-pack


  • 15-ft Black Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 100-ft White Polyethylene Tubing, 1″
  • 32 Hanging Assemblies
  • 32 SpinNet™ Sprinkler Heads
  • 40 Black UV Stabilized Nylon Cable Ties
  • 1 1″ Power-Loc™ × 3⁄4″ MHT
  • 1 3⁄4″ FHT Automatic Flush Valve
  • 1 Hose Adapter
  • 1 Elbow
  • 1 Goof plugs, 10-pack
Filter Assemblies (Optional)

Screen or disc filters

Valve/Pressure Regulator Assemblies (Optional)

Manual or auto­mat­ic valve with 35 psi pres­sure regulator

Flow per Sprinkler Line (GPM)


4.9 gpm


9.8 gpm

Pressure Regulator at 35 psi
  • Flow Range: 5 to 17.6 gpm
  • Unit Size:3⁄4″
Supply Line Requirements


3⁄4″ diam­e­ter or greater sup­ply line works best


1″ diam­e­ter or greater sup­ply line works best

Water Pressure Requirements

At least 30 psi

Product Reviews

4.5 / 5.0

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Recent reviews

Easy to setup and use

5 out of 5 stars

Alex B.7 months agoVerified buyer

Easy to setup and use, would buy again. Do wish the individual sprinkler heads could be turned off by twisting the end or something.

Great Irrigation Kit, But Missing Parts Caused Delays

3 out of 5 stars

Ellie P.7 months agoVerified buyer

Overall, the irrigation kit is good. However, our kit was missing the zip ties, which was an inconvenience. We had to delay installing the hose until the next day to make a trip into town for the ties. Unfortunately, our help wasn't available the following days, so I had to do the install solo. While it was doable, it wasn't ideal and set our transplanting back a day as well.

Great coverage

5 out of 5 stars

Luke H.8 months agoVerified buyer

These are great, perfect even gentle coverage for my tunnels


5 out of 5 stars

Larissa S.9 months agoVerified buyer

Actually covers all of my 16’ tunnel I am very happy with it!


5 out of 5 stars

David O.10 months agoVerified buyer

As easy as the video on YouTube, works great and would recommend. I will order from again.

Love my Tunnel!!

5 out of 5 stars

Skye R.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

We have it up and are planing in it this weekend! I’m so great full, it has already withstood 2 very windy days and we live at the top of a hill. ❤️. Will be giving y’all a shoutout on my YouTube channel

Overhead Irrigation

5 out of 5 stars

Isaiah L.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

Repeat Order

5 out of 5 stars

Bruce D.over 1 year agoVerified buyer

Second time with the overhead irrigation - it was easy to install and got it up quickly. The tool to punch the holes and then insert the drop line was great especially with installing the drops into the mainline. When I get another tunnel I will most likely get overhead irrigation set again.

Turnkey overhead irrigation. Great product!!

5 out of 5 stars

Dirk T.about 2 years agoVerified buyer

I’m a huge fan of irrigation kits. This one was easy to put together and gave us a turnkey option for irrigation. Quick and easy to put together. Thanks Farmer’s Friend!!

Missing Sprinkler Heads

1 out of 5 stars

Mike R.about 2 years agoVerified buyer

My kit had no sprinkler heads... But it had double the amount of the sprinkler assemblies. I Called the company. No one answered. I left a voicemail with my order number and call back number, and I clearly explained the situation. That was about a week ago and no one has gotten back to me...

Farmers Friendreplied:

Hi Mike, we sincerely apologize for the trouble you had getting ahold of us. Through this experience we discovered a loophole in our voicemail system that has since been resolved and will prevent this from happening again in the future! Let us know if you have any issues with the new sprinkler heads we've sent your way!

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